Iwama Aikido Demonstrations
Iwama Aikido is a style of Aikido that originated in Iwama Japan. In Iwama, O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, built a dojo in the 1940s and lived in it until his passing in 1969. In this article, we will share some Iwama Aikido Demonstration videos of Aikido Masters and Sensei(s) around the world.
Osensei fused the ken, jo and Taijutsu together. Saito Morihiro Sensei a native of Iwama was there during these years of refinement. The result – Traditional Iwama Aikido was born.
Other Iwama Aikido schools, dojo, clubs, or studios call the Aikido they do as ‘Iwama Style’ or ‘Takemusu Aikido’. Most Iwama practitioners simply call their Aikido ‘Iwama Ryu’.
Iwama Aikido is powerful and done with a full grip. There is a strong emphasis on Kihon (Basic and Solid) training.
Dai Shomen Uchi as an Atemi is strongly present in a lot of the techniques. The Iwama Aikido practitioner can strategically use his Aikido for ‘offence’ or ‘defence’.
Because the curriculum is 50% Bukiwaza, the Iwama Aikidoka has a loud and powerful Kiai.
Iwama Ryu is also known for the Aikido Bukiwaza ‘Aiki Ken’ and ‘Aiki Jo’.
‘Iwama Aikido Deshi Society‘ is a society of old and current uchi-deshi that lived and trained Aikido ‘Samurai Styled boot camp’ in Iwama.
It is one of the biggest mastermind groups of Iwama Aikido practitioners around the world. Other students (Soto Deshi) of Iwama Aikido around the world are also members of the exclusive society.
Iwama Aikido is also known as ‘Iwama Style’ but to the Iwama Aikido Deshi (student) the Aikido being practised is known as Iwama Ryu Aikido.
Morihiro Saito Sensei and Iwama Aikido
Notice the following Iwama Aikido features:
✅ BIG Kiai
✅ Lots of Weapons
✅ Lots of Atemi
✅ Triangular Entry
✅ Smooth Motion
✅ Beautiful Movement
✅ Graceful and Straight To The Point
Saito Sensei was the longest-serving student of O Sensei. He was not just a student, Saito Sensei and his family served and looked after O Sensei from 1946 to 1969 (23 years), and looked after Aiki Jinja and O Sensei’s Dojo until 2002 (33 years).
O Sensei invented (founded) Aikido, during his retirement in Iwama. He whittled down a lot of the Daito Ryu techniques that (perhaps) he thought were unnecessary and purified them into Aikido. This is how O Sensei’s Aiki Jujutsu became Iwama Aikido.
I’m not saying that other styles of Aikido are invalid, no-no. What I am saying is, if you want to learn O Sensei’s Aikido, then learn Iwama Aikido (aka Iwama Ryu).
Iwama Aikido Demonstration
The following Iwama Aikido Demonstration
Yasuhiro Saito Sensei and Mitsuyoshi Saito Sensei
Sergey Utrobin Sensei
Daniel Toutain Sensei
Said Sebbagh Sensei
Iwama Ryu Budo Algeria
Ulf Evenas Sensei (Sweden)
Maestro Alessandro Tittarelli
Tristao Da Cunha Sensei (Portugal)
Iwama Aikido 3 and 5 Kumi Jo
Stephanie Yap Sensei (USA) and Kaspar Jensen Sensei (Denmark)
Kenny Sembokuya Sensei (Japan)
Iwama Shin Shin Shurenkai
Ethan Weisgard Sensei (Denmark)
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