Aikidoka Song

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Aikidoka Song Lyrics

I’m an Aikidoka flowing like a stream
Learning to take falls, is a challenging dream
With each tumble and roll I hit the mat
I rise unbroken ready again to receive

It’s a dance of balance a delicate art
To be centred at all times from the very start
I face my opponents the calmness I must find
In the chaos of conflict a tranquil mind

I fall I rise it’s no easy feat
I embrace the challenge and feel the rhythm in the beat
Rolling and rising with each attack I must defy
I kneel I walk I learn to fly

When the flames of rage begin to burn
I remember the lessons and I calmly return
To a state of peace and a heart that forgives
The Aiki power my true spirit lives

Only I know why I’m here in this domain
To cultivate my spirit body and my brain
Should someone dare bring trouble and strife
I’ll make sure you’ll fall kiss the Earth and hug life

I blend with the chaos like a river so deep
In the rhythm of conflict my secrets I keep
Aiki’s my canvas and I’m the creator
I’m a budoka not a spectator

In the midst of the storm I remain so cool
Controlled collected never acting like a fool
Aikido’s the path it’s the way I aspire
I’m a modern-day warrior watch me inspire

I work I train I love that’s what I do
I work I train I play that’s what I do

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

I work I train I love that’s what I do
I work I train I play that’s what I do
I work I train I love that’s what I do
I work I train I play that’s what I do

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

I work I train I love that’s what I do
I work I train I play that’s what I do

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Listen to this song to empower your Aikido practice.

#aikido #aikidoka

Written and Produced by Crom Salvatera AKA “Leon Phoenix”
All rights reserved. Copyright 2023.

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